(照片拍攝於椰腳街觀音亭)社會越來越繁華、物資越來越豐富,但,宗教在撫慰心靈方面仍扮演著重要的角色,這也解釋了宗教為何歷久不衰的道理。千百年以來,在人類內心最深之處總少不了宗教的存在。人們添香油錢、誠懇膜拜,祈求自己所愛的人平安順利,也希望美夢可以成真。 圖中的這位信徒,是那麼誠懇的添油,從他舉動中,流露出的,正是最人性化的的祈禱。 This photo was took in Goddess Of Mercy Temple. Even though the world nowadays is prosperous, but religion remains important in human's mind. That's explain why this temple is keep remain until now. This is a part of humanity. Deep inside human's heart, they are still full with believes and respects toward their religion. To wish their family safely and smoothly,they go to pray in the temple. They believe by doing the money donation or oil donation to the temple will help more for their wish come true. It was shown through the uncle's action, he was so sincere while he provided the oil to the lamp,hope to have all the goodness. This is the humanity which i want to show in this photo.
2010年10月17日 星期日
Canon PhotoMarathon 2010~Best of Theme
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